UNCG Libraries hosted for NCLA, the ACRL webinar Stealth Librarianship:Creating Meaningful Connections Through User Experience,Outreach & Liaising
on April 23, 2013. There were about 20 people in attendance mainly from
UNCG libraries. The session was divided into three areas. Part 1: UX for
Stealth Librarian Outreach - Learn to create a practical strategy in
order to consciously shape and deliver positive user experience with the
library staff in person and online by presenter Bohyun Kim [Digital
Access Librarian Florida International University Medical Library / @bohyunkim] Bohyun offered a useful
UX Environmental Scan worksheet to ponder unsuccessful touchpoints, pain
points and how to deal with these problem areas; as well as successful
touchpoints including inspirations and how to generate delight. Part 2:
Liaising - Analyze nontraditional opportunities for
engagement in order to prioritize and maximize the impact of time
allotted to nontraditional engagement by
presenter Kiyomi Deards [Liaison Librarian,University of
Nebraska-Lincoln / @kiyomiD] Kiyomi discussed non
traditional touchpoints, going where the users are for more informal
relationship building such as Attend Guest Lectures,Help Recruit
Students, Play a Sport, Participate in Campus Forums, Volunteer. She
advised us to “Be genuine! Its all about building relationships, not
selling things.” Part 3. Outreach - List specific
outreach activities which will engage users in order to build positive
relationships between the library and its users by presenter Erin Dorney
[Outreach Librarian Millersville University McNairy Library @edorney]
Erin probed us on how projects are created in the library - through
what we librarians think users will want or user initiated. She covered
outreach for Relationship Building and supporting student-initiated
projects as well as inreach - since everyone in your organization
represents the library!
- View Tweets here
- View Slides here.
- Presenters encourage you to share ideas here.
- Presenters notes (on page 62)