From Rosann:
CNI Fall Membership Meeting 2014,
Washington, DC—Notes and Musings
Clifford Lynch says that digital scholarship centers seem to
be on the minds of many CNI members. They will likely hold a pre CNI spring
membership meeting session for those libraries who are investigating the
development of these centers.
Clifford Lynch says his next big question is how to get a
handle on how we are providing access to and archiving cultural heritage. He claims this is a very big issue and area
of concern.
Lynch recommended that everyone should read OCLC’s “Evolving
Scholarly Record” report.
Ex Libris (Christine Stohn) said they will have automated
holdings updates in 2015.
Marshall Breeding:
Libraries and vendors need to collaborate to shift everything to
comprehensive secure page delivery.
There needs to be a defined audit methodology for assessing the privacy
and security of library technical infrastructure.
Eric Hellman (Gluejar): Remove tracking systems from library
websites. NYPL was able to do that after a visit from Eric Hellman to their
library. With current tracking systems, it can be determined the books our
students and faculty are reading, their friends, geodata, websites visited,
purchased data –from advertiser networks who are picking up books that students
have searched and/or checked out from our library catalogs. One easy fix: change your library catalogs to https. Install “ghostery” to see what information is
being tracked.
Northwestern University (Geoffrey Swindells): He is their new User Experience Department
Head. The department is made up of the
following units: Assessment, Outreach
and Learning Services, Undergraduate Services and User spaces, Web and Mobile
Ohio State University (Beth Warner): She is their AD for
Information Technology. Their IT division has been restructured. It
contains: Infrastructure (7 staff),
Applications Development and Support (8 staff), Digital Initiatives (1
staff). They moved servers and storage
from central IT back to the library. They wrote “Guiding Principles” and
“Digital Preservation Policy Framework” documents.
Wake Forest University (Chelcie Rowell): She is their
Digital Initiatives Librarian. They have created three tiers of service for
faculty digital project proposals:
Berkeley, Bancroft Library (Mary Elings): She is their Head
of Digital Collections. They did a
Hackathon –humanities focus, included students, explore APIs to expose digital
archives, develop new infrastructure for digital archives site, selected on
collection for the Hackathon, included mentors and coding support, prizes were
awarded, offered work spaces in the library, students did final presentations.
University of Iowa (Tom Keegan): He is their Head of Digital
Research and Publishing. He developed
“IDEAL”. Iowa Digital Engagement and Learning. One project used WWII letters –
worked with students – their project was to transcribe the content.