Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Teaching Topics: Open and Close with Impact


This webinar was great.  I thought I'd post it here b/c I think it's helpful for planning workshops for any discipline, not just medicine or health sciences.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting

For those interested, I wrote up a blog post on "What I Did in Atlanta: The SAA Meeting as a Newly Elected Council Member" for my own site: https://barkivistoncouncil.wordpress.com/2016/08/07/what-i-did-in-atlanta-the-saa-annual-meeting-as-a-newly-elected-council-member/.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

NC LITe at Duke University

I attended the NC Library Instructional Technology meeting at Duke University's The Edge on June 9. You can read more about the event on my blog.

Friday, May 20, 2016

SAA Council

I'm officially going to be starting my three-year term as an elected member of the Council of the Society of American Archivists in August BUT the organization brought the newly-elected folks out to headquarters in Chicago earlier this month for orientation and observation of the May Council meeting. These trips are funded by SAA itself, so, aside from my time away from work, there is no burden on UNCG.

One thing that SAA hears frequently - particularly from newer members - is that members wish they knew more about the inner workings of the organization. SAA itself is pretty transparent when it comes to releasing agendas, minutes, budget reports, etc. But it's also a large organization, with membership and leadership spread across lots of different types of archives all across the country.

In an effort to provide yet another venue to provide information about organizational action and to help newer members learn more about how the organization operates, I started a blog to give insight into the work I'm doing as a new Council member. If anyone is interested in how a large professional organization's main governance body works, you can follow along here: https://barkivistoncouncil.wordpress.com/. Our next Council meetings will take place at the SAA Annual Meeting in early August -- one at the start of the meeting and one at the close.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

CNI Conference

Tim Bucknall and I attended the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Conference April 4-5 in San Antonio.  Tim presented a breakout session on the Slavery Database and I did a very informal presentation on our OER initiatives at a roundtable discussion.

I came away feeling very good about our work here.  We are providing many of the services that large ARL  libraries do with far fewer resources.  So bravo!  If there was one theme it was about seeking partnership both on campus and externally.  I think we've done a good job with that, too, and we'll continue to grow.

Our efforts on OER are on par with many other libraries as well.  Some libraries have worked more closely with student groups which is a great idea.

All of the presentations are here:


One I found quite useful was The Role of Next Generation Libraries in Enhancing Multidisciplinary Research.  The 2d half had some good recommendations.