March 14-16, 2017, I attended the OCLC Resource Sharing
Conference in Virginia Beach, VA. This conference used to be named the ILLiad
International Conference and was organized by Atlas Systems, Inc. As OCLC announced their intent last year to
build a new cloud based product to replace ILLiad, the conference changed hands
and names. Users of the current OCLC ILL product, WorldShare ILL, were invited
in addition to ILLiad users.
The new product is named Tipasa after an ancient trading
post and UNESCO World Heritage site in Algeria. Migration to Tipasa is by
invitation from OCLC. OCLC began the Tipasa migration process last year by
inviting small academic libraries using ILLiad “out of the box” to consider
migrating. Out of that group of @400,
@75 volunteered to be early adopters. To
date, 26 of these libraries have gone live and others are in the queue to
migrate. OCLC is ready to begin phase 2
which will include medium academic libraries and those that use Rapid ILL.
Phase 3, which should begin in 1-2 years, will consist of large
academics and Docline
users. (OCLC does not have a date by
which they plan to have all 1,200 ILLiad libraries migrated.)
Tipasa uses responsive design to allow for the same look and
feel regardless of the device on which it is used. It will include a patron interface
like My Account in WorldCat Local/WorldShare Discovery. Within this interface patrons will be able to
place and monitor orders, receive links to articles, renew loans and cancel
requests online. The link to request
checked out items via ILL will still be available in the catalog and will still
populate those requests.
Also, OCLC recently purchased Relais International which is now
used mainly for consortia lending but has an ILL component. While there is no OCLC roadmap for Relais
yet, they plan to move it into the cloud and are in the early days of
determining how to make Relais work with WorldShare Discovery. Thus, OCLC eventually plans to provide 3 ILL
services: WorldShare ILL, Tipasa and