Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Southeastern Library Assessment Conference

I attended this conference in Atlanta last week.  Librarians from Georgia Tech, Georgia State and Clayton State have organized this conference three times in the off year of the "big" Library Assessment Conference. Assessment librarians just can't wait two years to get together!

Some noteworthy presentations included the keynote, Ann Emery, who has her own analytics company.  She had an excellent presentation on data visualization.  I also liked a session from Southern Illinois U at Edwardsville on international students.  We probably need to learn about about our foreign students' library needs.

I didn't get to attend a session on assessing first year information literacy but it looks very interesting.  Instead I went to one on strategic planning from UT Knoxville where they talked about keeping the organization focused on their plan and the tools they used to do so.  Very helpful!  I also presented on strategic planning the next day.  I used a new tool (to me)  -- Mentimeter -- a polling app I learned about from Sam Harlow via Jenny Dale.  It's wonderful!  Much easier to use than Poll Everywhere. 

All the presentations are here. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Charleston Conference 2017

Some notes from last week (but with an emphasis on the unofficial business info track we have been developing).  --Steve


LJ: Five Trends Changing Higher Education That Librarians Need to Watch

Interesting column from Library Journal's Stephen Bell:

Five Trends Changing Higher Education That Librarians Need to Watch | From the Bell Tower

In short:

  1. 21st Century Transcripts
  2. Move to Microcredentials
  3. Tuition-Free Higher Education
  4. Analytics on the Rise
  5. Librarians as Campus Leaders

See the full article for details.