Thursday, October 23, 2014

ACRL ULS Members - online discussion on student success!

Members-Only Online Discussion: Student Success
brought to you by the ACRL-ULS Committee on the Future of University Libraries
The ULS Membership Committee is pleased to provide a free online discussion for ULS members on Thursday, November 20 from 3-4 pm EST. To register, go to:
Assessing How Libraries Contribute to Student Success
Feeling pressed to prove that your library contributes to student success?  Are administrators demanding evidence that funding the library helps retain and graduate students?  While it may seem obvious  to librarians that students would not succeed without the library, demonstrating that can be a challenge.
Read short descriptions of ways three libraries have effectively assessed their contributions to student success, and then join this online discussion, where assessment librarians will encourage discussion of various ways to measure and demonstrate how your library helps students succeed.
Eric Ackermann (Head of Reference Services and Library Assessment, Radford University) will speak on how his library has tracked how the library’s participation in freshman orientation and core courses has affected retention.

Jennifer L. Jones (Assessment & User Experience Librarian, Georgia State University) will explain how her library followed three cohorts of undergraduates to assess the effect of using library workstations, study rooms, and research clinics.

Shane Nackerud (Technology Lead for Libraries Initiatives, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) and Janet Fransen (Engineering Librarian, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities) will discuss the big data model the library used in partnership with the university’s Office of Institutional Research to assess the library’s contribution to student outcomes.
The speakers have prepared background stories to help you prepare for this discussion.  Find the descriptions of their successful projects at

Monday, October 20, 2014

2014 Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians report

I posted a recap from the 2014 Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians at . There's a focus on the business librarians there (given the nature of my blog).  --Steve

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola Outbreak: Managing Health Information Resources - recorded webinar

Ebola Outbreak:  Managing Health Information Resources. October 9, 2014
Speaker:  Cindy Love, Disaster Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), National Library of Medicine (NLM)
In this webinar, Cindy Love, specialist in public health information management with the NLM, discussed the nature of information flow during an infectious disease outbreak, with a special focus on Ebola-related resources from the NLM. Recording:

This was a great webinar by a librarian at the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The primary target audience was librarians, so more our speed than the information that I posted earlier this week.
  • Good info resources
  • Common sense advice to librarians in different settings
  • During Q&A, great responses to questions that a librarian might get: "Will Ebola become a pandemic?"  "What will the international security response be to the Ebola patient in Dallas?"

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

CDC, Johns Hopkins webinars about Ebola context, response lessons learned

FYI for others who like to get close to the source with health news.

Sorry for the lack of notice. Darn the digest setting on my listserv.

***Webcast: Dean’s Symposium on Ebola: Crisis, Context and Response***
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 
Time: 9:00 am – 1:30pm (EDT)
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is hosting a symposium on the Ebola epidemic on Tuesday, October 14; the symposium will also be live streamed. Speakers will discuss the impact of the West Africa epidemic, current and future response, the status of vaccines and possible pharmacologic therapies, recommendations to prevent spread of the disease outside of West Africa, and other issues.
Webcast link:

***Preparing for Ebola: What U.S. Hospitals Can Learn From Emory Healthcare and Nebraska Medical Center***
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Clinician Outreach and Communication Activity
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 2014 
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm (EDT)
Dial In Number: 888-603-9630 (U.S. Callers); 630-395-0291 (International Callers)
Passcode: 9976995
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa has increased the possibility of patients traveling from the impacted countries to U.S. hospitals. A few patients with Ebola virus disease have been medically evacuated to receive care in U.S. hospitals. Recently, the first case of Ebola virus disease was diagnosed in the United States in a person who traveled to Dallas, Texas from West Africa; this patient passed away on October 8, 2014. CDC and partners are taking precautions to prevent the spread of Ebola within the United States. During this COCA Call, the presenters will focus on healthcare systems preparedness, and participants will learn how Emory Healthcare and Nebraska Medical Center prepared for patients with Ebola and the lessons learned. To help presenters communicate content that is most important to clinicians, please submit your questions before the call to Please note: the focus of this call will be healthcare systems preparedness, not clinical management of the patients with Ebola.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Call for Proposals for CUS (section of NCLA)

The College and University Section (CUS) of the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) invites you to present at the 2014  CUS one-day conference, “Academic Libraries: Present and Future,” which will be held on Friday, December 5, 2014  at the UNC-Charlotte City Center Campus, NC.
Submissions for presentations addressing any of the following themes are encouraged:
  • The professional marketplace
  • The virtual library
  • The physical library
We need your experience and knowledge to make this conference a success! This is a great opportunity to showcase a special project accomplished at your institution or to share an innovative idea with your colleagues.

Proposal Deadline: October 18, 2014
Submit your proposal

We look forward to receiving your proposal.
Best Regards,
The CUS Conference Planning Committee

Webinar: Copyright or CopyWRONG? on 10/30

Copyright or CopyWRONG?
Join the Distance Learning Section’s Discussion Group for a virtual discussion to learn more about copyright issues in distance education.

Event: ACRL Distance Learning Section Discussion - Copyright or CopyWRONG
Date and timeThursday, October 30, 2014 12:00 pm Eastern
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Often viewed as a hindrance and a source of apprehension, copyright law affects all educators and academic librarians. As colleges and universities increase their online course (educational/instructional) offerings, the rights of ownership and rules of fair use are only further complicated. Join the ACRL Distance Learning Section Discussion Group for a discussion focused on the state of copyright in distance learning. Learn more about the role of librarians in providing resource support for distance learning courses and faculty's teaching needs. Panelists include Copyright MOOC facilitators Kevin Smith from Duke University and Anne Gilliland (formerly of OSU) from the University of North Caroline-Chapel Hill as well as Luann Edwards of Tiffin University and Patricia Aufderheide of American University, this will be an opportune conversation to advance your understanding and competency in distance learning copyright issues.

Take part in our discussion on Twitter with #dlscopyrightchat. For more information, please contact Jill Hallam-Miller at or at 717-728-2415.

Southeastern Library Association/Georgia Council of Media Organizations Conference

Kathy Bradshaw

Last week, I attended the GaCOMO Conference, which is a joint conference of the Southeastern Library

Association and the Georgia Council of Media Organizations (which is made up of the Georgia Library

Association and the Georgia Association for Instructional Technology), in Augusta, Georgia. The

conference is directed at all types of libraries, although academic and public libraries seem to dominate.

There are also programs that are directed at school media specialists. I presented two sessions at the

conference, both with a colleague from another university library. The first “Will You Be My Mentor?”

was on the various types of mentoring in the profession and my co-presenter was the mentee I was

assigned through the Southeastern Library Association. This session allowed my mentee and me to

“meet” in person after spending approximately 18 months contacting each other by phone and email.

My second session was titled “Leading from the Middle: Are You Ready?” which was about preparing

librarians for middle managers roles in libraries.

The most interesting session I attended was the session on eliminating the reference desk in an academic

library. In this library, that supports about 11,000 students (they are not open 24/5) they went from

having reference librarians do “desk time” to using a basic pager system at the Circulation desk when

assistance from a reference librarian was needed. While this might not be a solution that could be used at

all academic libraries, it seems to be successful for their library. Another positive outcome of the change

was their ability to gather better statistics about the kinds of reference they are answering and the amount

of time they need when they are helping patrons.

Big Data in the Library – Providing Business Critical Analytics

From Kathy Bradshaw

On September 12, I attended “Big Data in the Library-Providing Business Critical Analytics” presented by the North Carolina chapter of the Special Libraries Association.  This session could be considered a practical session, designed to show how libraries are using data analytics in their own libraries.  Many of the members of the Special Libraries Association work in the private sector (law firms, corporations, etc.) but there are members that are public or academic librarians.  These are often solo librarians that may not get the opportunity to take advantage of learning opportunities that academic librarians do.  One of the presenters was a professor at NCCU’s School of Library and Information Science and she talked about the way that librarians can use big data to help teaching faculty with their research projects. 
The program was held at Wake Tech in Raleigh, and the program featured the newly formed Business Analytics department at Wake Tech.  Wake Tech offers an Associate’s Degree in Business Analytics (in person and online) and there is at least one librarian enrolled in the program.  This librarian presented a session, showing how she is using what she learned and using that information in her library.  This presenter (she works for a local public library) is using what she has learned to analyze traffic patterns throughout the branches in her library system, assess programming attendance, and possibly address staffing volumes. 
The people in the Business Analytics are looking for real-life issues for their students to study and analyze.  If you are interested in learning more about the Business Analytics program or have a problem that would be of interest to the students in the program, click on the link below:

Monday, October 6, 2014

free online worldwide virtual conference this week!

 Reminder!  The fourth annual  Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference will be held this week October 8 – 9, 2014. FREE! watch online. enjoy learning :)