Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pre-semester meeting - Science Team

On Monday 8/4, Karen and I welcomed Jen Motszko to the Science Team at our pre-semester meeting. Here are brief notes from our meeting.

1. Round robin - what are your sciencey plans for the semester?

  • Scopus has replaced Web of Science, Karen will attend a vendor webinar tomorrow and will offer Scopus training sessions to faculty in her liaison areas.
  • Also interested in learning community integration; LC representative names were sent out through email
Jen is interested in KIN outreach - past examples incl display of UNCG gym uniforms, books on physical education for women. FYI, SCUA tutorials are on the way! (not sciencey but will be helpful)

Lea is working on library instruction plans
  • First up are graduate student orientations then course integrated library instruction.  
  • Online!  Several nursing programs are going online, public health has a degree completion program online, and Lea has just taken over as Kinesiology librarian and they have a new online program.  Need practice with Blackboard Collaborate for online workshops.  Google hangouts is cool but it doesn't work with big groups
 2. Planning for Liaison Open House next week
  • ask Mary if we can get a table near the Qs
  • Karen will give a handout on her job duties and subject areas since she’ll be out of the office
  • Get incentive - Jolly Ranchers for our table
  • Exhibits - cooks illustrated, ipad set to ContentDM images of home ec pamphlets, book with health sciencey images Netter’s or other anatomy atlas
3. Science Team - What do you need?
  • Tutorial creation software and assistance.  Camtasia for tutorials for instance Scopus. Submit request to Mary.  Are there free alternatives?  Yes, try screencastomatic. For assistance, contact Armondo. Beth FW can help with posting, especially best practices.
  • Learning communities - How can we work across liaison teams for better outreach and to prevent duplication of effort in interdisciplinary areas? Can the liaisons discuss these questions as a group? - Lea will take these questions to the Team Leaders 
  • Jen needs more info on interests in history, primary sources in science groups outside the library
  • Lea needs to practice Blackboard Collaborate. Jen taught an online course recently, used this system, offered help.  Ty!!

4. Team Goals
  1. Coffee talk for liaisons Fri Dec 5th - Evidence Based Practice
  2. Provide workshops for other liaisons in the spring semester - Scopus; and ??
  3. Use variety of communication channels to disseminate science-related library initiatives and information
  4. Primary source promotion - when/if Lea and Karen get faculty meeting invitations, bring Jen so she can promote images and other primary sources for that discipline
5. Next meeting - mid-semester - Thurs 11/13, 2-3 pm

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